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SethF1968 Informacje o Profilu

Author, Romantic
Wiek 69 Z New York, New York - Online - Ponad 2 tygodni temu
Mężczyzna Szukam Kobieta

Podstawowe Informacje

Widzę siebie jako osobę  
I am an author, an anti-establishment psychologist ---PhD, and an iconoclast. My last book (2012) was on spirituality and the madness.... ......

I am looking for a relationship. Politically and personally I am in the Romantic tradition, as enriched by Eastern mysticism. I am looking for a spiritual, romantic, attractive woman with great depth of feeling, to learn from, a woman with whom I can communicate about the important things in life....and the unimportant. For me happiness lies in the feeling of being at home with the "right" woman. I am an intellectual, 64, but it does not matter to me how well read you are, as long as you are intellectually curious, unconventional or receptive to unconventional ideas and expressive. If your hopes for humanity have been renewed by Bernie Sanders' anti-corporate campaign, we probably have a similar political perspective. ...........

Even as the world implodes I hope for a miracle. I am not always cheerful. I am aware of the poignant plight of humanity, of nature, our home, which we are destroying. It impinges on my consciousness along with other tragic--if not apocalyptic-- aspects of our situation. Yet I still seek happiness--the bliss of romantic love. As Henry Miller said prophetically in 1957, "One can live joyously--one must!--in the midst of a world of peopled with sorrowing suffering creatures [and one might add now, and menaced by the specter of an environmental apocalypse] What other world is there is which to enjoy life? But I know this, that I will no longer perform for the sake of performing, nor act for the sake of being active...Nor will I acknowledge as necessary or inevitable what now goes on in the name of law and order, peace and prosperity, freedom and security. Sell it to the Hottentots! It's too utterly horrendous for me to swallow.".....

There could be paradise -- immortality on earth. Such was the vision of the neo-Hindu yogi Sri Aurobindo.. His spiritual partner was a French woman who became known as the Mother.. .A messianic mystic Aurobindo envisioned the advent of the golden age, the eternal dawn, "the marriage of the eternal bridegroom and the eternal bride.".....

In the Vedas the Rishis exclaim "We have crossed through to the other shore of this darkness! The dawn is breaking forth..." Let's meet.

Wygląd & Sytuacja

Mój typ budowy  
Mój wzrost  
5' 5 (165 cm)
Moje Oczy Są  
Moje pochodzenie  
Mój Stan Cywilny to  
Samotny/ Single
Mam Dzieci  
Chcę Mieć Dzieci  
Moje Włosy Są  
Ciemny Brąz
Mam Jedną Lub Więcej Z Tych Rzeczy  
Jestem Skłonny Do Przeprowadzki  

Więcej na temat jego

Trzymam koszerne  
Chodzę do synagogi  


Mój Poziom Edukacji To  
Dyplom Ukończenia Studiów Wyższych
Mój Aktualny Stan Zatrudnienia To  
Własna Działalność Gospodarcza
Moja Specjalność To  
Mój Tytuł Zawodowy To  
Author, Therapist,
W Domu  
Znajomi Odwiedzają Mnie Okazjonalnie
Jestem Palaczem  
Piję Alkohol  
Tak - Towarzysko


Moja Religia To  
Inne Pochodzenie


Co Jest Dla Ciebie Atrakcyjne?  
Dowcipny, Spontaniczność, Śmiałość, Wrażliwość, Empatia, Poczucie Humoru, Atrakcyjny Wygląd, Troskliwość, Inteligencja
Czego Szukasz?  
A woman with deep feelings, spiritual orientation, and
receptivity to unconventional ideas.
Jakiego Szukasz Związku?  
Intymny, Oddany, Małżeństwo